Jesus man, get some HTML5!
IMPORTANT PRESS RELEASE! it has come to our atten- tion that some sceners were quite uncomfortable with the smell and appearance of some of the organizers of last datastorm! therefore, we humbly ask for you to accept our sincerest apologies. sadly, we can not assure you that the upcoming datastorm won't include farts and/or fairlight which is why we put in hidden parts in our invitros! try fiddling with your... well, you try something out! ON OCTOBER 24TH AT 20:00 CET TICKETS WILL BE RELEASED ON! UNFORTUNATELY WE HAVE TO ROB YOU ON 300 SEK WHICH IS ABOUT €35! BUT DO NOT WORRY, EVERY PENNY WILL BE SPENT WISELY! WE PROMISE! CREDITS: CODE: Z-NEXX/GP LOGO: ALIEN/GP MUSIC: BRANDON WALSH/GP DESIGN: SIXX AND Z-NEXX